The Room Creator experience is proven to increase your AOV. It enables shoppers to discover a wide range of your products as they place them into a room setting. All chosen products can then be added to shoppers' basket in just one click – voila!
With Hullabalook's Room Creator, shoppers can explore your full product catalogue in one place. They'll see heaps of products that they probably wouldn’t click on using your site’s regular navigation, without having to leave the page.
Give shoppers the opportunity to ‘try with their eyes’ before they buy. Visualising the size and style of different products together in a room setting reassures shoppers and gives them the confidence to make a purchase.
We’ve proven that Room Creator performs incredibly well; 63% AOV increase and 56% of baskets feature products from different categories. While you score a set of increased metrics, your shoppers bag a bunch of cool new items. It’s a win-win.
*Measured between November '21 - September '22. Data compares >470,000 transactions from retailers across 3 continents.
The Room Creator tool uses our Smart Grid technology to automatically and instantly re-rank the product grid to show shoppers the most relevant products first, based on attributes they select. The closest matches will appear at the top of the grid, less relevant results will be shown as the shopper scrolls down the grid. Nothing gets filtered out, because if shoppers can’t see it, they can’t buy it!